Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I realize that there is probably A LOT of information about going green, reducing toxins in your home, living natural.  However you want to word it, information or not, the practice of living environmentally responsible has not made a huge impact on my household.  Part of the problem with me personally making changes to reduce toxins in my house and live environmentally responsible is the amount of information out there.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed and just can't handle all the input.  So I decided that I can do this but I need to go back to the days when I was in Al-Anon and remember to take things one day at a time.

I plan on focusing on the reusable bags soon as they are both a source of toxicity concern as well as a way to be environmentally responsible.  I have a nice solution to this and will share at a later day.  I will also spend some time looking at household cleaners, personal soaps, and furniture.  From there I am sure I will come across something else to work on for this project.  If you have any suggestions of something you want to see just let me know and I will do my best.  My goal is to find practical and affordable ways to live in an Earth friendly manner and to reduce as many toxins as possible.

I already do some things that I consider environmentally responsible.  I use cloth diapers on my son.  I try to remember to use reusable shopping bags.  I try to use natural cleaners whenever possible.  I do not feel like its enough yet.  Through this project I plan to do some research and find ways to be more environmentally responsible.  I am anticipating some major changes and look forward to learning many new things over then next year.  Each day I will focus on something new that I and my family can do to reduce toxins in our home and live environmentally responsible.  I am open to suggestions but will not tolerate bullies in any way shape or form.  


  1. Good luck mama! Small steps are all we need on our journey to a better lifestyle. Changing to reusable bags isn't hard. Another easy one (that will save you money!) is switching away from paper towels - you can sew your own reusable ones from old t-shirts (or just cut t-shirts up, no need to sew and make them fancy). And one more easy change I made - I got an old spray bottle, put vinegar, water, and TTO in, and use it all the time instead of Windex and other harsh cleaners.
    You won't regret this year!! Looking forward to reading more.

